The Koïfhus or the former customs house had a strategic place at the confluence of the Grand’Rue and the rue des Marchands, two of the major roads in the medieval city.

Imagined since 1433, the construction of the current building was ended in 1480. Two adjoining buildings were added in the 16th century. The condition of the building was in the 19th century so worrying that a demolition was envisaged. But the project was cancelled and restorations took place from 1895 to 1898. The turret and the glazed tiles came from that time. The last renovation in 2002 was to repair the sandstone balustrade in a Renaissance style which was removed in 1976.

The Koïfhus is the older public local building and had from its creation a double function. The ground floor was used as a warehouse and as a place of taxation for imported and exported goods. The floor was used for the meetings of the deputies of the Décapole, the federation of the 10 imperial cities of Alsace, which was created in 1534. The Magistrate also met there. The revolution abolished commercial privileges and the building was used for other uses. Around 1840 a theatre took place there and in 1848 the first office of the discount bank. The Koïfhus was occupied by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry from 1870 to 1930 and by a catholic boy school and an Israelite school in the late 19th century. Today many manifestations and public activities take place here.

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